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Home2019 2019 April

Climate Smart and Disaster Resilient ASEAN International Conference

Atty. Edsel F. Tupaz, a Harvard Law Alumnus, served as a moderator for the Policy and Governance Plenary in the Climate Smart and Disaster Resilient ASEAN International Conference. The distinguished set of speakers include the Undersecretary of the DENR, Atty. Analiza Anna Teh, the Chief Science Advisor of the Zoological Society-London, Jurgenne Primavera, a US-ASEAN...

2019 Internship Program

GorricetaLaw has officially launched its 2019 Internship Program. The Internship Program is competitive and draws interns from a highly qualified applicant pool. Of over 90 applicants and statements of interest, GorricetaLaw accepted eight (8) interns for 2019, with an acceptance rate of 8.8%. GorricetaLaw wishes to welcome the following law students as 2019 Gorriceta Interns:...

Gorriceta’s Edsel Tupaz on GMA Reporter’s Notebook

Gorriceta Partner Edsel F. Tupaz, Lead of the Firm’s Infrastructure Practice Group and a former member of the Department of Public Works and Highways Bids and Awards Committee, was featured last April 11, 2019 on GMA’s Reporter’s Notebook. Reporter’s Notebook is one of the leading and most awarded investigative documentary shows in Philippine television. On...

ECCP Tax and Financial Services Committee holds first meeting to discuss the Tax Amnesty Act

GorricetaLaw recently launched its cooperative alliance with Yusarn Audrey, a leading Intellectual Property and Technology law firm based in Singapore with offices in Thailand and Malaysia. GorricetaLaw Partners Mark S. Gorriceta, Anthony Edsel F. Tupaz and Senior Associate Kristine T. Torres represented the Firm at the Cooperation Launch held at the Nanyang Technological Institute Alumni...
15/F Strata 2000, F. Ortigas Jr. Road Ortigas Center, Pasig City, 1605 Philippines
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Thailand: 163 Thai Samut Building, 14th Floor, Unit 14H Surawangse Road, Suriyawongse, Bangkrak Bangkok 10500 Thailand

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